Friday, April 10, 2009

Wear a Helmet

Because its just a good idea.

These first two are the motorcycle helmet I was wearing the night that dumb bimbo mowed me down.

These are whats left of my Bell bicycle helmet after a foolish attempt on my part to finish a descent at Cheyenne Mountain State Park after breaking my chain. I was trying to conserve momentum. Needless to say my head served as a very effective breaking mechanism.

Neither of these helmets was inexpensive. I would argue that they both paid for themselves in spades.


Confessions said...

BRAKING mechanism, right?

Speedbump said...

oh fine, yes i suppose. Although I did BREAK the helmet with my head.

filoli said...

Please send to Alpha who was attempting to argue the other day with me that helmets "wouldn't do much good anyway."

He can drive me freaking BATTY!