Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Warning: Dark and potentially offensive.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Life is Grand, Part 3

When ancient Greeks and Roman Mythology speaks of "Nectar of the Gods", this is what they mean:Fountain Pepsi Rules!

Life is Grand, Part 2

A small sampling of all the great people in my life. What I've realized from this little exercise is I'm not taking nearly enough pictures, and I have not properly appreciated just how many people make up my life. So many people I owe so much to and I don't even have pictures. That is a damn shame.

Mi Familia:
My Amazing In-laws: Cathy and ErnieExtended Family: The Hockers, Alpha and FiloliExtended Family: the Bartons

Dan: (this might be the only picture I've ever taken of him where his ass is not exposed) Makayla and Katelynn, who will always have a very special place in my heart.Blake:
Conner: The Animal!
Assholes from Work:

Mr Lawless:Brian:
My Crack Dealers:

Patrick and Clay:

I'll have to update this later with more pictures for all the other people. Smitty, Jean and Paula, Old Man Ray, The Blickenstaff Clan, Troy, Jason, Rich and CoCo, Brad, Ian, Hard Kohr, The Swatzki's, etc, etc......

Life is Grand, Part 1

So, without going into to much detail, its been a big week for introspection. And then I read this and the original inspiring piece I went into complete mental reverse. I have over the course of the last several weeks received what I can (and should) only call some perspective wake up calls. I should not be such a pessimist.

In five parts, because its just me and the kiddo right now, and time is short.

Part 1:

I'm still alive. Several different doctors have told me I'm not supposed to be. The lady who worked the desk in the surgery waiting room called me "the miracle man", and you know that's a woman who has probably seen some shit. I've had a doctor, who preformed surgery on me, walk into a room, shake my hand, and say in total disbelief, "Man you are one tough Son-of-a-Bitch."

My heart has stopped.

And the most amazing things in my life have all happened since then. I have not been sufficiently grateful. Life is indeed Grand.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wine Review

Once again, I find myself inspired by Filoli, but probably not in ways she intended. So this is my first Wine Review.

Root 1 Cabernet Sauvignon, from Chile:

It comes in a cool looking bottle, has alcohol, and is tasty.